

  • Position(s):
    Lock / Flanker / Centre
  • Appearances:
  • Allegiances:

Why West London?

It’s a great club with a great group of lads who have a good time on and off the pitch. Everyone always looks out for each other, and you are bound to make lots of memories and friends for life.

Why did you join?

I joined West London briefly after finishing colts at Ruislip, played a few games, and felt right at home. But then I moved away to University where I didn’t play for four years. Upon my return to London, I was out of shape and out of practice, but there were plenty of old and new faces that welcomed me back with open arms. As such, I haven’t looked back since.

Did you have any previous rugby experience?

I’ve played youth level rugby since I was six years old, in every position from prop to wing, and loved every moment on the pitch. West London has the perfect blend of serious and social rugby, which I love most about playing rugby.

Why did you stay?

It is a club where I honestly feel like I am with my brothers. I have just spent the last two years out with a severe shoulder injury that required several operations. However, at no point have I not wanted to be back in the team. As such, I made a point to still be down every weekend supporting the lads.

Why Should you join?

I don’t think you will find a more friendly and welcoming set of guys at any club. We win together, lose together, and have a good time in the bar post-game together. We have guys from all walks of life who all have one common passion. Rugby! As well as an affection for a nice cold pint! Coming down to the club will be one of the best decisions you make. I know it was for me.