

  • Position(s):
    Scrum Half & Vice Captain
  • Appearances:
  • Allegiances:

Why West London?

Since joining the club in 2013 I have loved every moment of being part of this club. Every season always brings great memories whether it is on the pitch or attending socials. All the players create such a great atmosphere to be around, making the club feel like a second home and family.

Why did you join?

After finishing university I was thinking about getting back into rugby and was invited down to training by Maurice Kennedy. I was apprehensive at first as I had never played men’s rugby, but after my 1st training session I never looked back and signed up on the day.

Did you have any previous rugby experience?

I started playing rugby at school from the age of 11, and ended up joining my local team Harrow RFC where I played with some great players and learnt a lot about the game. Eventually, I was given the opportunity to captain my school team in year 10. After finishing secondary school in 2007 I gave up rugby for football and didn’t play again until 2013 when I joined West London RFC.

Why did you stay?

I have made great friends over the years and couldn’t dream of playing for another club.

Why Should you join?

You will enjoy every moment of being part of the club. Every player is extremely welcoming, and you will be made to feel part of the team from the moment you step on the training field for the first time. A nice bonus is that for a social club in Herts/Middx 2 I feel as though we have one of, if not the best home pitch in the league. We also have a charity run bar which means cheap booze. We’re definitely a club with a bunch of social perks, but at the end of the day we take training and game day seriously and have recently taken a bold decision in changing the clubs culture in a bid to start pushing for promotion. Come and be part of the change!